Achieve a Fully Leveraged Central Plant

Fully Leveraged Central Plant

Microgrid Solutions

Icetec integrates with each Microgrid asset, production and distribution system. Our technology will study and optimize the system holistically as a single nimble, grid enabled asset to meet your energy goals, including carbon reduction, power quality, reliability or economic efficiency. Solutions include:

  • Secure, two-way SCADA interface
  • Centralized Real-Time Monitoring System
  • Multi-Asset Economic Dispatch
  • Utility grade tenant billing systems
  • Market Integration (Ancillary/Grid Services)

ICETEC Battery Icon  Energy Storage Solutions

Icetec has commercialized a number of strategies for integrated storage assets, including Frequency Response, Load Shifting and Peak Shedding. Applications include:

  • Thermal Energy Storage (TES)
  • Advanced Storage in ancillary services
  • Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Integrated Energy ManagementIntegrated Energy Management

With Real-time connectivity to the site and adaptive algorithms modeling load and site availability, Icetec enables any C&I load to become full market participants in ISO/RTO Markets and Demand Response Programs. Around the clock, your Icetec interface will evaluate available opportunities and select your optimal operation plan.

Our ability to establish secure two way communication with Commercial and Industrial sites combined with predictive analytics have enabled us to emerge as an industry leader in the fast moving Frequency regulation (FR) market, refrigerated warehouse optimization, industrial process shifting and campus smart metering interfaces.

ICETEC Energy Storage Solutions

ICETEC icon energy supplyEnergy Supply and Risk Management Solutions

Icetec’s clients receive daily commodity quotes and access to a live market/budget-tracking Interface that updates your budget outlook based on the market today. This software provides you with an instant RFP at your fingertips, as well in-depth market analytics and reporting to help you determine and implement the best strategies for energy sourcing and energy risk management.

ICETEC icon portalEnergy Management Portal and Reporting System (EMP)

Tired of culling through 3 different data systems to summarize progress towards energy plan goals? Or having 3 different SCADA screens to monitor real-time conditions for a single campus?

Icetec’s Energy Manager platform provides a comprehensive real-time monitoring system and data repository- from ALL of your utility system – This tool has built in reporting functions to combine and summarize intelligence across your systems to provide management with the holistic view. Weekly and Monthly operation reports across various utilities can be generated in multiple output formats (Excel, PDF, etc.) with the push of a button.

Leverage Your Assets with Icetec

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